Extreme Bedingungen erfordern extreme Maßnahmen. X-treme Women Art Prize ist initiiert, um Frauen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst zu unterstützen. Es wird organisiert von der Kuratorin Dr. Phil. Lily Fürstenow und der Künstlerin Martina Singer – Gewinnerinnen des diesjährigen Stipendiums des Deutschen Künstlerbundes, Bundesprogramm Neustart Kultur.
Extreme conditions call for extreme actions. X-treme Women Art Prize is initiated to support women in arts. It is organised by curator Dr. Phil. Lily Fürstenow and the artist Martina Singer – winners of 2021 scholarship of the Deutscher Künstlerbund Bundesprogramm Neustart Kultur.
Sophie Utikal
Karol Hurec
Martina Singer
Dr. Eckhard Fürlus
Die Gewinnerinnen von X-treme 2021/ The Winners of X-treme 2021
- Pauline Stopp
- Alina Nosow
- Sarah Degenhardt

Georgia Today Newspaper review of the Work Show 1 Exhibition with the works by women artists participants of the X-treme Women Art Prize and of artists represented on the e-merginG artistS platform. Full article on https://georgiatoday.ge/georgian-women-artists-in-berlin-work-show-1/
Tagree Magazin on Women Art Prize/X-treme: