Work Show 1. Brunnenstrasse 145, 10115 Berlin. Participating artists Melanie Möglich, Paula Carralero Bierzynska, Semra Sevin, Ia Arsenishvili, Teona Paichadze, Yair Meshoulam.
Framework Programm. Workshops for the Work Show – each Friday 16 p.m.
Work Shows are a cycle of exhibitions of women artists who submitted their works to the X-treme Women Art Prize. They’re organised in cooperation with the Nachbarschaftszentrum Brunnentreff and are curated by Lily Fürstenow

Georgia Today Newspaper review of the Work Show 1 Exhibition with the works by women artists participants of the X-treme Women Art Prize and of artists represented on the e-merginG artistS platform. Full article on
Tagree Magazin on Women Art Prize/X-treme:
Work Show 1. Nachbarschafftszentrum Brunnentreff. Brunnenstrasse 145. 10115 Berlin. Participating Artists: Melanie Möglich, Paula Carralero Bierzynska, Teona Paichadze, Yair Meshoulam, Ia Arsenishvili, Rosika Janko-Glage. Exhibition Duration 15.9. – 23.10.2021. Exhibition is accompanied by the framework program, discussions and workshops. Each Friday from 16 p.m. Visits by appointment: Curator Dr. Phil. Lily Fürstenow