Poster. Work Show 3. Deborah Ziller

Exhibition View. Julia Ludwig

Exhibition View. Julia Ludwig

Deborah Ziller. Bojana Fuzinato. Embroidery

Exhibition View. Simone Dubo

Exhibition View. János Brückner, Bojana Fuzinato, Simone Dubo

Simone Dubo, Bojana Fuzinato

János Brückner, Julia Ludwig, Deborah Ziller

Work Show exhibition series focusses on the works by women artists who submitted their works to the X-treme Frauenkunstwettbewerb. Work Show 3 features women painters, participants of the X-treme/Women Art Prize. The works by Simone Dubo, Michael Dubo, Bojana Fuzinato, Julia Ludwig, Deborah Ziller, János Brückner are exhibited in Brunnentreff Nachbarschaftszentrum Brunnenstrasse 145, 10115 Berlin from 15.11. 2021 till 1.1.2022.

Media Partner

Georgia Today


Georgia Today Newspaper review of the Work Show 1 Exhibition with the works by women artists participants of the X-treme Women Art Prize and of artists represented on the e-merginG artistS platform. Full article on

Tagree Magazin on Women Art Prize/X-treme:

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